Photo: Pam Sphar
Having lunch at La Onde restaurant on the Isle of Capri, 2001
Photo: Pam Sphar
Visiting the Trebia River in northern Italy, site of Hannibal's first
great defeat of the Romans.
I live in Colorado
with my wife Pam and two cats: Striper and Tippy, both
of whom, with their recently martyred brother Sydney and the also
recently-martyred most-beloved sweetheart Buji-San, have helped me write the book, especially Buji and Pam.
Our home sits on a mountainside
overlooking the central Rocky Mountains, a most congenial place to write.
I've spent five years writing
Against Rome, which entailed lots of research, building a considerable
library on the ancient world, traveling to Italy twice and England once
(lots of Roman sites, and the books are in English, though I do have a few
in Italian or Italish).
Click this
link to email me.
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